Welcome to Possible

written 11/11/2020

by Emerson Frost

For many years my daily life was me hiding behind, “I’m doing fine, thank you.”

I gave it my best, but somehow it always felt like a ton of bricks was dragging behind me.

My mind was in a cloud I couldn’t shake, and I was disconnected from myself and others.

I was fighting an uphill battle against undiagnosed depression and anxiety without any tools.

Then one day, I was ready…ready to look for resources, ready to stop carrying the weight, and I found some mental health tools. I did what worked for me and have grown into a much more fulfilled version of the same person I always was, just now the layers of conditioning have been stripped back enough for me to finally be face to face with my self again.

My Better So Far…

• indescribable peace

• triggers awareness

• ability to redirect my thoughts

• this amazing new lightness and freedom

Tell Me More…

After a lifetime of depression and undiagnosed anxiety, I’ve finally learned how to breathe, how to relax, how to be present in the moment.


A choice to surrender and let go. A ton of babysteps that have added up to a sizable mindset shift.

Anyone can learn to take a deep breathe and grow.

Anyone can learn to have the mindset of a winner at any stage in life, after any circumstances in life. If you’re willing to surrender and let go.

Be encouraged to reach forward in your life, to set some goals, to shift some mindsets, to let some things go.

Be encouraged to reach to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

The world needs you to shine your light.

You’re the only one who can.
